HSE-Harvard Aerosol and Multi Gas Adapter User Manual (733433 / 732919)
The Multi Gas Adapter is an addition to any system requiring application of different gases or neublized substances in the breathing pathway of a small animal. It can be a ventilator, a plethysmograph box, an isolated perfused lung system. The Multi Gas Adapter is intended for use in a laboratory environment in physiological and/or pharmacological research. By using the Multi Gas Adapter it is possible to apply nebulized substances and up to 4 different gases to the animal.
Shown: Multi Gas Adapter and connection kit for isolated Mouse Lung System IL1, with Nebulizer.
Basic Description
The different gases are connected to the gas selector. An arrow on the selector marks the selected input. The gases should be supplied at low pressure. Be sure the gases are not supplied at a pressure exceeding 0.5 bar. To control and show the flow through the system we recommend to connect a rotameter inline with each gas line. The selector is equipped with a perspex marking field to label the inputs.
Please Note: The arrow points in opposite to the switching lever.
On the rear there are two ports. The lower port is equipped with a stopcock. If a nebulizer is used, condensation can result in small drops running down the cavity wall. The accumulation of the liquid in the bottom of the chamber can be removed using this port.
The upper port is dedicated for flushing the chamber. It is equipped with a "quick connect" connector. The line connected to the neublizer can be removed fromthe nebulizer and connected to this port. This will stop nebulization and starts flushing the chamber. A compressed air pressure of 2 bar gives a flushing flow of about 1 L/min.
Example Set Up:
Isolated Mouse Lung System with Multi Gas Adapter with attached nebulizer
In this example the Multi Gas Adapter is attached to the Isolated Lung System for Mouse Lung (IL1). It is equipped with a nebulizer. If the nebulizer is not used, a white stopper must be used to close the nebulizer port of the Multi Gas Adapter block. The connecting tubing to the IL1 is replacing the air humidifier in the IL1. The IL1 is additionally equipped with a tubing to be connected to the exhaust.
Please Note: The air pressure in the system "Multi Gas Adapter-Connecting Tubing to IL1" should be normal air pressure, no increased pressure. Check that exhaust tubing is not kinked or blocked.
Important: Before nebulizing any substance all ports on the rear of the Multi Gas Adapter must be closed with stoppers or stopcocks. After nebulizing a substance flush the cavity of the Multi Gas Adapter with fresh (compressed) air.
Cleaning the Perspex Multi Gas Adapter Block
Depending on the nebulized substances cleaning is very important. If you don't clean daily it can happen that the outlet port becomes dirty and clogs. Also it is possible that some particles of the nebulized substances remain in the cavity which can lead to side effects on later experiments.
For general cleaning the cavity use distilled water. On the rear at the bottom of the cavity you will find a luer connector to attach a syringe. These ports also can be used to remove condensated substances during the experiment.
Inside the cavity there is a barrel. This barrel can easily be taken out for cleaning. Therefore remove the connection tubing and turn the gas adapter upside down. The barrel as well as the inside of the cavity are now easily accessible for cleaning.
Recommended Cleaning agents.
IMPORTANT: not all cleaning agents used in the laboratory are suitable for cleaning Plexiglass parts. For example, MucocitF manufactured by Merz (Frankfurt) is incompatible with Plexiglass. The block of the Multi Gas Adapter is made from Plexiglass.
In order to avoid damage you must use only the recommended cleaning agents. Never use organic solvents. Never use alcohol, which leads to cracking.
5% acetic acid solution can be used for cleaning the Multi Gas Adapter, but it is for occasional and brief use. Follow with a distilled water rinse.
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